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1The Funeral segment is involved in the funeral business in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
2He see Pisk-ku feed the dogs, and he have talk with her.
3The literati are called Pan-ch'i, the bonzes Ch'u-ku and the Taoists Pa-ssŭ-wei.
4He know his father and mother, he remember Pisk-ku, he remember everything.
5The Killer posts the envelope to Mr Ishii Shirō, 77 Wakamastu-chō, Ushigome-ku, Tokyo.
6Their annals begin with Pwan-ku, or the Reign of Chaos.
7Maile-lau-lii set her affections on Maka-ku, while the younger sister devoted herself to Pua-pua-kea.
8For two days we rode along the river bank and crossed at the Shih-ku ferry.
9You know they used to ku klux the niggers.
10The Ch'u-ku shave their heads and wear yellow clothes.
11Kalamata, gave their name of God as Vi de Mu ku lu the Great King.
12Snow-Photographingnatives-TheSnow Mountain again-The Shih-kuferry-Cranes-"Brahminy ducks"-A well-deserved beating-Chinese soldiers
13This ceremony is called san-san-ku-do, or "three times three are nine."
14Turn next to the Maya sign for q (ku): it is .
15Naturally there were countless intrigues against P'u-ku Huai-en.
16From Hwang-ti also, it ascends through the dateless ages up to P'an-ku, the first of mortal sovereigns.